Saturday, March 8, 2014

Galaxy Note 3, Note 2, S4, S3, and S2 Flash to Boost, Virgin Mobile, Ting, etc.

These instructions should work for Boost, Virgin Mobile, Ting, other Sprint MVNO, and legacy plans such as SERO, etc. I followed my exact steps as described in the Galaxy S3 thread...and guess worked. Even the *2 (launches Sprint Zone app) method to activate the phone via WiFi also worked. I didn't do anything special on it whatsoever.

1) You have your Samsung Galaxy phone USB drivers loaded.
2) You know how to configure your phone to get to Diag mode.
3) You know how to configure DFS to add the serial port where your phone is connected.
4) You know your phone's MSL and Samsung password and have entered both in DFS.
5) Go to the Programming tab, click on General. I'm also assuming you know what to do here. Hint: Look at the MEID field and ONLY the MEID field. 

The steps below is how to get 3G working and activate the phone using DFS v4.6.4.1 (or newer):

1) Go to the Programming tab.

2) Click on the Data sub tab.

3) Click on Read button.

4) Under PAP:
Pwd: samsung

5) Under HDR AN:
NAI: (MEID in HEX) - For Sprint and Boost OR
NAI: (MEID in HEX) - For Virgin Mobile

Pwd: (check the box first!) enter your 32 digit HEX AAA password

6) Under HDR AN Long:
UID: (MEID in HEX) - For Sprint and Boost OR
UID: (MEID in HEX) - For Virgin Mobile

Pwd: (check the box first!) enter your 32 digit HEX AAA password

7) Put a check mark on "Authentication require password encryption"

8) Click on the Write button

9) Goto the Mobile IP sub tab.

10) Click on Read button.

Begin Sprint and Boost:
11) Right click on the first Profile radio button (that's Profile 0), and enable it.

12) Click on the Write button

13) On the Selected Profile settings section:
Home address:
Prim HA address:
Sec HA address:
MN HA SPI set: (checked) 1234
MN AAA SPI set: (checked) 1234
Reverse Tunneling Pref: (checked)
AAA Shared Secret: enter your 32 digit HEX AAA password (put check mark on "Enter value in HEX")
HA Shared Secret: secret (remove check mark on "Enter value in HEX")

14) Click on Write current profile settings.

15a) Reboot the phone. Then run the Update Profile and Update PRL on your phone.
15b) Reboot the phone. Connect your phone to WiFi. Dial *2 (the Sprint Zone app will appear), and choose Activate device (or Activate phone).

16) Done.
End Sprint and Boost


Begin Virgin Mobile:
11) Right click on the first Profile radio button (that's Profile 0), and disable it if not already disabled.

12) Click on the Write button

13a) Right click on the second Profile radio button (that's Profile 1), and enable it.

13b) Click on the Write button

13c) On the Selected Profile settings section:
Home address:
Prim HA address:
Sec HA address:
MN HA SPI set: (checked) 8687
MN AAA SPI set: (checked) 8687
Reverse Tunneling Pref: (checked)
AAA Shared Secret: enter your 32 digit HEX AAA password (put check mark on "Enter value in HEX")
HA Shared Secret: vmug33k (remove check mark on "Enter value in HEX")

13d) Click on Write current profile settings

14a) Right click on the third Profile radio button (that's Profile 2), and enable it.

14b) Click on the Write button

14c) On the Selected Profile settings section:
Home address:
Prim HA address:
Sec HA address:
MN HA SPI set: (checked) 8687
MN AAA SPI set: (checked) 8687
Reverse Tunneling Pref: (checked)
AAA Shared Secret: enter your 32 digit HEX AAA password (put check mark on "Enter value in HEX")
HA Shared Secret: vmug33k (remove check mark on "Enter value in HEX")

14d) Click on Write current profile settings.

15a) Reboot the phone. Then run the Update Profile and Update PRL on your phone. (WORK IN PROGRESS)
15b) Reboot the phone. Connect your phone to WiFi. Dial *2 (the Sprint Zone app will appear), and choose Activate device (or Activate phone). (WORK IN PROGRESS)

End Virgin Mobile

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